Hunting Big Game in the Sierras of Chihuahua.
[Mansfield, Ohio: M.A. Pollock, 1905, i.e., 1906].
Price: $3,500.00
About the item
First edition, with 6 in date corrected in ink. Frontispiece portrait of Governor Creel of California and 8 illustrations from photographs. 56 pp. Text printed in brown. 1 vols. 8vo. Original pictorial tan paper wrappers, printed in brown and gilt. Near fine copy. Library of Congress duplicate with stamp “Two copies received Jan 13 1906” at head of portrait, and date stamp on back flyleaf, small trace of adhesion at foot. Phillips p. 71 (dated 1906); Heller 1:49 (dated 1905); OCLC: 22550271.
Item #352487
Interesting account of an early twentieth century hunt in northern Mexico after deer and wild turkey (no luck on the turkey). Copies have been seen with the printer’s date 1905, or as here, with the last digit inked to indicate 1906. The Library of Congress date stamp indicates deposit copies were received on 13 January 1906.